Tuesday, January 29, 2008


My school's basketball try-outs are this Thursday. I don't know why I am so nervous. I have played for seven yrs. I am excellent at deffense but I totally suck at offense! I can't shoot. There are a lot of girls I know who are trying out. They are all incredible! Oh well, wish me luck!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Won't stay single 4 long!

I won't stay single 4 long. There's this guy... (let's call him J) who I know 4 a fact that he likes me. I like him 2!One little prroblem, he won't ask me out! I don't know why because he knows I like him. Infact he was looking 4 me at school to ask me out. Then I come face to face with him and he doesn't say anything! Not even hey. I can hook my friends up, but I can't get a guy 4 myself. How wierd is that? Oh wel, things always work out 4 the best.


I'm single baby! I broke up with my boyfriend last week. I feel so free! I do feel bad though, because he liked me so much. He said he loved me. I broke up with him because I just didn't like him anymore. Our "roller coaster" was over and it was time to find a new ride. It was hard, but I didn't want to lie to him anymore. You gotta do what you gotta do!