Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Finally! The guy I've liked since the begging of the year...asked me out! Well, sort of. He asked someone to ask me out for him...but that's ok. He's on the basketball team, tall, smart, and cute. He's PERFECT! I'm so excited. I said yes.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Future Boyfriend

I have decided between the 2 guys. I only like the one I haven't gone out with. I t turns out there's a rumor that he likes me too. I think he's going to ask me out. Ahhh, I am soooo nervous and excited. If he does ask me out I'm going to say yes!

Details on the dance

It finally came. Today was the dance. I went with a bunch of my friends and had the best time of my life! They played my favorite songs ever. They played Kiss Kiss and Soulja Boy. Who needs guys to have fun. I can't wait for the next dance.

Monday, November 12, 2007


The school dance is this Friday. I'm so excited! I don't have a date but my friends and I are going together. We are going to have tons of fun. I might go with a guy as friends only! I'm still not fully sure yet. I can't wait.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Seems like everyone has a boyfriend now a days. Holding hands, kissing, hugging... all that good stuff. All my buds are unavailable or taken (not that I want to go out with them). I feel so left out. I know that my life is so hectic and that a boyfriend would only get in the way. I just want someone to rely on to trust, sometimes your b.f.f's aren't the only one's you need to talk to. Oh well, my mom says that guys come when your not even looking!